"One of four displays I undertook for a Secondary School's 'Ethics and Religious Studies' Department. Each display dealt with a chosen key theme from the syllabus, which covered the ages of 11-18. I was given the freedom to respond to my chosen theme in a personal way. The students were encouraged to respond to the work in front of them, in which the piece could be engaged with through accompanying questions, replacing what would ordinarily be a brief description of the work. The teacher was present during this"
The work displayed the preservation of a specific type of flowers described as being found growing through the holes of an abandoned fertilizer bag. The choice of flowers and layout of the holes were designed for the following three questions regarding the creation of the Universe:
Were the seeds planted or did they naturally find their way into the holes of the bag?
If it was a natural cause, couldn’t other types of flowers have grown too?
But if they were grown intentionally who might be responsible?